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15 Minute Morning Retreat

Looking for a quick way to start your day off right? This quick and easy 15 minute retreat will set you up for a mindful + amazing day.

Sometimes we fall into not-so-awesome habits. I am guilty of this for sure... like this spring when things got busy with my job, my side gig, and my kid being in swimming and soccer, I totally stopped my morning routine and messed up my weekly workouts. I am not sure how that kind of story ends for you, but for me I sometimes have this kind of all or nothing approach. Like, if I already messed up the diet (because I already ruined today's workout) I might as well go all out and have ice cream, too. It's definitely self-sabotage and I am definitely not alone here, right?!? But enough about the downhill slide - how do you pick yourself back up and get back on track?

For me, the key to getting back to my best self starts with my morning routine. Start the day right and set myself up for success. The problem is, the older I get, the less I want to wake up early to workout. In fact, if the pandemic taught me one thing, it's that what I really want to do, every morning, is sit with my cup of coffee and read my Kindle. But alas, the lockdown and working from home only lasted so long for me and now I am back to busy mornings. Though never fear, I am here to tell you that even if you have a super busy morning you can fit in this 15 Minute Morning Retreat and it can help set you for an amazing day.

Step one: wake up. This is hard for some people, me included sometimes. I should also note that wake up should not be followed by check the email and the Facebook and the Insta. Goodbye morning routine minutes! Try to ignore those things until later - don't get sucked in. After step one, and avoiding those social apps on your phone, you are ready to start your day.

So here it is, my 15 minute fix for an awesome day.

Meditate for 5 minutes.

I could do a whole post on how to meditate, but it is different for everyone. Sometimes I try guided ones, sometimes I just try to focus on my breathing, and sometimes I try to visualize. Sometimes I end up with a random Widespread Panic song stuck in my head and fail. But I still try. That's why 5 minutes is great for a morning meditation. It's long enough to focus if I am able to, and if I can't drop into it I am only spending a few minutes on it. I frequently use the Gaia app, and like that you can search by the length of meditation depending on your needs.

Even if I am only meditating for 5 minutes, I need to be comfortable. I found this meditation cushion and it is perfect. It is filled with buckwheat hulls, which will not flatten over time and provide great support. There's nothing worse than an aching back during a meditation, in my opinion!

A quiet space is also useful, and not always attainable due to my seven year old that beats the sunrise just like mama on most days. So I use a combo of white noise and good headphones to block out disruptions. If you are a person that needs darkness to get in the zone, check out this eye mask that I swear by - it can darken even the brightest morning, but in a good way!

Yoga for 10 minutes.

I never thought about how much ten minutes of yoga could improve my day, but it sure does. Rodney Yee's A Lot in a Little Time is my favorite morning yoga practice on the Gaia app. In just ten minutes, Rodney's got me feeling good and ready for my day! If I have an extra few minutes I also like to use my stretch strap to increase flexibility. I swear by this little tool anytime I am starting a new workout program to prevent super sore legs, too.

For my morning yoga, I like to practice on my favorite Gaiam mat, an extra thick one with a cool color scheme. They are high quality and can last for years. No other equipment is needed besides a screen to watch or cast to. Luckily Gaia is available on an app for your iPhone or smart TV, and the app has a quick access button to cast as well. Couldn't be easier!

What I like best about the A Lot in a Little Time ten minute practice is that it includes most of my favorite poses and somehow it's still only ten minutes.

What's not to love about that? The ten minutes is packed with an easy flow that will get you breathing and moving mindfully in no time.

Namaste with that practice each morning!

So, what's in it for you? Taking 15 minutes in the morning to be mindful and move your body is actively choosing to start off on a positive note. I notice that on the days I do my 15 minute morning retreat, I feel well even when I can't fit in a big calorie-burning workout. Beginning with 5 minutes of focused silence and looking inward, as well as focusing on breath, gives my body natural signals that all is well. Just ten minutes of focused yoga has the ability to make me feel strong and vital each morning. And, as Rodney says at the end of the practice:

"and now, you're ready for anything. Namaste."

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